Creative Class complete lesson listing

Buy Creative Class right now and get instant access to the lessons:

Take your freelancing career to the next level.

There are four areas of study that will help you develop a sustainable freelancing career. Here’s the exact list of lessons, so you can make sure Creative Class is right for you.

Mindset (perception)

Freelancing is more than simply hanging a digital “open for business” sign on your website—it requires a specific way of thinking so that others will view you as the best person for the work they have.

By showing potential and existing clients that you’re an expert—their perception changes from, “Hey you, do this work for me,” to “Hey expert, I’m looking to you to advise me then solve my business problems.” Note: the latter pays a lot better too. In this area of study, you’ll learn how to been seen as a knowledgeable pro that earns respect and helps clients make smart decisions.

Management (business)

You can’t just do work in your business, you’ve also got to work on your business. When you’re a freelancer, you’re responsible not just for the work you do but for how you run your company. You’ve got to set your business up properly, with the right tools and advisors, to ensure it lasts long-term.

You’ll learn that the most powerful part of being a freelancer is that you can start freelancing fairly cheaply. From there, you’ll see how routines and boundaries can not only increase your productivity, but make for better client relationships. Finally, if you’ve ever wondered why pricing your services seems worse than going to the dentist, you’ll learn how it works, with as little stress as possible. (Pulling teeth not required.)

Connection (marketing)

To most freelancers, “marketing” is a dirty, dirty word. But it doesn’t have to be. Really, marketing is all about building trust and empathy with potential clients through communication.

From creating a future-facing portfolio—to using referrals as your secret weapon to filling your schedule, this area of study will show you how to get clients and continue to work with them long-term. It’ll also explain how you can create a strategy for consistency, even if you’re introverted or don’t want to be the next ‘thought leader’.

Process (clients)

It may not sound sexy, but successful freelancers are the ones that use processes. This makes their work easier, keeps their schedules more reliable and illustrates to clients that they know their shit inside and out.

In this area of study, you’ll see how it’s crucial to have a process for generating sales, doing projects, gathering feedback and then ending projects in a way that drives more work. By the end, you’ll able to leverage what you’ve learned in this program to get more clients, make more money and be treated as the expert you’ve become.

Buy Creative Class right now and get instant access to the lessons:

Take your freelancing career to the next level.