Why Creative Class?

The results speak for themselves.

Buy Creative Class right now and get instant access to the lessons:

Take your freelancing career to the next level.

Here’s how students have used Creative Class to build sustainable, profitable businesses.

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“I learned so much from this course. It completely changed my approach to client work and the processes around it. After taking it, I’m way more confident within my business and finally feel like I know what I’m doing.” Marko Pfann

“Your course is by far the best money I’ve ever spent on a course—six months in and I’m booked four months in advance.” Erica Houston

“It was so much easier for me to pitch and convert clients after I’d done the coursework because it helped me really nail down my value proposition.” Erika Couto

“I signed up for Creative Class at a time when I wanted to transition out of my job and get into full-time freelancing. I did the work, and within 2-3 months, I was able to quit my job. It helped me set myself up for a successful switch.” Claire Suellentrop

Things that cost about the same as Creative Class (but won’t produce results for your business)

Buy Creative Class right now and get instant access to the lessons:

Take your freelancing career to the next level.