From full-time employee to freelance business owner booked 6 months out

Lucia Doynel is the founder of Tinylicious, a business that helps brands create authentic content.

In the early days, she worked hard to start a freelancing business on the side, but felt that it was slow in taking off. She wanted to speed up the process by learning from experienced freelancers who’d found success. “I’m great at following directions, so I thought I would just follow a tried and tested recipe,” she said.

As far as direction was concerned, Creative Class was just what she needed.

Diving into the course, Lucia learned about asking for referrals and cold pitching. “The tips on how to negotiate services and pitch projects in effective, attention-grabbing ways really influenced my work and the way I approached clients,” she said.

Today, she has a better process in place that allows her to select and approach ideal clients who truly appreciate her work.

Creative Class also helped Lucia realize she had been charging too little for her services.

“I finally learned that there’s a big difference between a technician and a professional–and a professional can confidently value their own work enough to ask for reasonable rates. Since I increased my rates, I’ve found I’m hearing more from clients who truly appreciate my work,” Lucia said, “And it’s easier to say no to jobs that aren’t a good fit.”

Since completing the course, Lucia has successfully quit her full-time job to focus on her freelance business.

Today, she’s brought on an intern to help out with client work and is currently booked for the next six months, working mainly on one larger project and building her portfolio with smaller ones where she can fit them in.

For Lucia, Creative Class has been the gift that keeps on giving: She still goes back over course materials whenever she needs some advice or a quick refresher.

To summarize:

Creative Class reopens for new students in Spring 2023:

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